Six Truths About Aging And Staying Fit
April 13, 2022

Although fitness for the aging population isnÔÇÖt as intense as it is for younger people, there are many reasons senior citizens abstains from this vital health requirement.

The older population is quite susceptible to many age-related conditions, and with a slower metabolism caused by aging, itÔÇÖs only wise to engage in some physical activity. Otherwise, a build-up of calories is inevitable, and this causes medical conditions like obesity, type-2 diabetes, and an increased heart disease risk.

Here are six truths about aging and fighting fit:

Your health doesnÔÇÖt care about excuses

While you may be unable to run the same distance you used to cover decades ago, there are many activities an older person can engage in. This can be with or without equipment.

Sure, there may be millions of reasons for not exercising, but your health doesnÔÇÖt care about them. Yearly, about 3.2 million people die from inadequate activity, which is no respecter of age.

If you donÔÇÖt register at a gym, you can incorporate other forms of physical activity, like leisure walking.

Your heart can take it

Your heart isnÔÇÖt too old for physical activity. If anything, a sedentary lifestyle will weaken it and make it susceptible to medical conditions like a heart attack or stroke.

Ask your medical provider for the most suitable exercises. Conventionally, 150 minutes of physical movement is advisable, and there are moderate activities you can combine to reach this weekly milestone.

You can improve your flexibility

If your excuse is the inability to move in specific ways, you can remedy that through yoga and other activities that promote flexibility. Exercises for the hips, backs, or shoulders will increase your ability to move these areas freely and mitigate stiffness and cramps caused by aging.

However, itÔÇÖs best to take things easy. DonÔÇÖt stretch if youÔÇÖre in pain.

Starting slow wonÔÇÖt hurt you

Many seniors avoid physical exercise because of the fear of getting hurt. ItÔÇÖs valid but starting slow is an assurance that your body will adapt.

Start with low-intensity exercises, drink enough water, pay attention to your body, and warm up adequately before your workout sessions.

But again, itÔÇÖs best to check with your health provider to determine the best exercises for you.

Time isnÔÇÖt an excuse if you want to stay healthy

Another common excuse seniors rely on is inadequate time. ItÔÇÖs understandable, though, because when youÔÇÖre older, activities like babysitting your grandkids, visiting family members, and engaging in other familial obligations may take a significant portion of your time.

However, the benefits of working out are far too many for any senior to miss out on. Finding the time wonÔÇÖt be the problem if you want to stay fit.

Working out isnÔÇÖt for your heart alone

Exercises donÔÇÖt benefit the heart alone. So, even if your heart is in great shape, you also need to consider the other components of your circulatory system. Better bone and joint health and reduced risks of colon cancer and diabetes are primary reasons you should exercise.